
Monday, 28 July 2008

Cuban Revelry Day in Perth

The ACFS Perth faithful to its commitment to the Cuban people and the revolution celebrated last Saturday 26th July the national "Cuban revelry day" with Cuban music and traditional food and drinks.
More than 200 people attended the celebration "Santiago de Cuba Carnival" held in Kulcha in Fremantle which was a sold out function and many people unfortunately were turned away at the door as the venue reached full capacity.
The highlight of the evening apart from the speeches was the draw of the ACFS raffle which gave the following results:
The winners were:
First Prize -      Trip to Cuba, Tony Lakis (WA)
Second Prize - $1000 cash, Oliver Villar  (NSW)
Third Prize -     Set of Cuban DVD's, Paul Ferreira (WA)
Thanks to Loretta Martella,  Kulcha's General Manager for leaving another engagement to be there on the evening to do the draw.
People interested to visit Cuba as a brigadista in the upcoming 26th Southern Cross Brigade should contact:
acfsperth@gmail.com or visit www.cubabrigade.org.au for more detailed information.
All the proceeds raised on the night will go to fund a community agricultural project in Cuba.
NB: Photo shows Elizabeth Hulm, ACFS branch secretary looking after the stall. Photo taken by acfs.

Monday, 21 July 2008

ACFS Presents: Rumba & Cafe and Liliana Sputore

This event is being held on Saturday 26th July from 7.30 pm. At Kulcha, South Terrace Fremantle (above DOME cafe). Tickets $22/$25. Book at www.Kulcha.com.au, 0419812872 or acfsperth@gmail.com.

Hope to see you there!

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Friday, 4 July 2008

Pastors for Peace Caravan stopped at U.S.-Mexico border

Pastors for Peace Caravans have been taking supplies and solidarity to Cuba since 1992. This year's Caravan is dedicated to the freedom of the Cuban Five. We urge supporters to read the alert below and take action immediately!

We have just received word that the Pastors for Peace Caravan, which challenges the U.S. blockade of Cuba on an annual basis, has been stopped at the U.S.-Mexico border. As always, the Pastors for Peace buses are carrying medicines and other materials to show their solidarity with the people of Cuba.

Rev. Thomas Smith, President of the Board of Directors for the Interreligious Foundation for Community Organization/Pastors for Peace, told ANSWER, "We've had 31 computers seized by the Customs and Border Patrol at the U.S.-Mexico border. These computers were destined for classrooms, clinic and hospitals in Cuba. These are 31 classrooms, clinics and hospitals that now will not have the opportunity to have computers." Smith vowed to "maintain a demonstration until we get the computers back" and called upon all opponents of the U.S. blockade to take a moment to protest this outrageous and cruel confiscation of humanitarian materials by contacting the following:

The Border Patrol, which under the Department of Homeland Security, which can be reached at 877-227-5511

The Office of Foreign Assets Control, which regulates the U.S. blockade of Cuba, which can be reached at 1-800-540-6322 or ofac_feedback@do.treas.gov

Your House representative, who can be reached at the Congressional switchboard at 202-225-3121.

In your phone calls and emails demand the immediate release of all items belonging to the Pastors for Peace Caravan, which have been seized at the U.S.-Mexico border. Let them know that you stand with the Caravan members who are currently protesting at the border, that you oppose the blockade of Cuba. Take action right now!